[Notice update]: The app. voltage. finance/#/bridge is back online and operational.

06 Oct 2022, 01:00
🟢 [Notice update]: The app.voltage.finance/#/bridge is back online and operational - if you have sent $FUSE tokens from BNB to Fuse chain your tokens should be relayed by tomorrow (sorry for the inconvenience) - if you still have your tokens stuck please report the txn in (*only if you still havent) AMB bridge tools for manual token claiming: - amb.fuse.io: track the status of your bridge transactions - alm.fuse.io: manual claiming for ERC20 supported token transfers (except FUSE) - fusealm.fuse.io: manual claiming only for FUSE token transfers - bscalm.fuse.io: manual claiming for any token transfers on BNB bridge